Since the courts now routinely intervene to save babies/children's lives who are at risk from the Watchtower's evil blood transfusion police, the JW's should have their tax exemption status removed until they at least change that policy, and governments should sue them as well for breaching universal human rights. The Russians and Chinese don't tolerate such bullshit.
yadda yadda 2
JoinedPosts by yadda yadda 2
The Time Is Coming For Progressive Governments To Make Laws Against Oppressive Cults To Protect It's Citizens, Making Lawsuits More Plentiful Against Them
by frankiespeakin ini think as black&white thinking becomes lesser governments will start makeing laws that will put cults open for more lawsuits.
what do you think..
If you don't believe in God, Jesus, and everything in the Bible, you are willfully ignorant.
by defender of truth inablebodiedman posted~ 10 mins ago (8/16/2014).
post 741 of 741. .
"i absolutely 100% believe in god, jesus christ and everything recorded in the bible.. the reason why is because of the overwhelming amount of evidence.. there is so much evidence that it has taken me years to examine what has cemented my own convictions.".
yadda yadda 2
It's pretty low taking a comment from a poster we have a disagreement with and starting a new thread to mock their comment (even if it is very mockable). This is the kind of gossipy, back-stabbing stuff some JW's are fond of doing in the congregation to those they don't like.
Your "Things That Make You Go Hmmm?" List
by FlyingHighNow ini'll wager that the number is close to 100 percent.
what number?
the number of jws who have lists--lists of things that make them go hmmm or even wha'???
yadda yadda 2
As a born-in, the only things that really made me go 'hmmmm?', even from childhood, were the questions:
"Why does Jehovah have to kill everyone who isn't a Jehovah's Witness? It's not their fault they were born imperfect and sinful."
"Why can't Jehovah just get rid of Satan and the demons and then see how things go from there? Why does he have to kill billions of people at the same time?"
I never got a satisfactory answer to those questions my whole JW life, and ultimately the horrific absurdity and contradiction of such beliefs were what released the mental chains binding my mind. I realised that no such God or doomsday future could possibly be true, and even if they were true, I would never in a million years want to worship such a 'God'!
The truth really does make you free!!!! :-)
yadda yadda 2
You have to pity all the millions of poor ignorant fools who actually believe those verses in Leviticus were a real historical event. It shows how immature the human race is that so many still believe such ancient, superstitious, desert-dwelling nomadic 'holy scripture' actually happened.
Hello!! It's clearly pure fiction, scary stories to keep all the ancient Israelites in fear and submission to the lying Jewish Priests who presided over them. And the Governing Body today employs the same lying priestcraft to keep all their Watchtowerite minions in loyal fearful submission to their nasty anti-family creeds.
But if JW's want to believe in a fire breathing dragon called YHWH then "stupid is as stupid believes".
Picture of Jehovah destroying the rebels who disobediently burned incense to him:
Publisher Statistics
by lurkernomore ini was watching a couple videos on youtube earlier and always like to peruse the comments at the bottom of the page.. i'm no sure if this has been discussed recently, but one indivdual made the claim that the societies numbers are massively over inflated, as he/she believes that they include inactive, df'd and da'd in their figures.. does anyone have any information to confirm this or i this just another assumption made without evidence?.
(also has anyone heard from witnessmyfury lately?
i had a pm chat with him a few days ago but not had a reply to my latest msgs.
yadda yadda 2
As the years have gone by they've diluted the requirements to be a 'publisher' more and more. Now it's 15 mins a month is enough in some cases, and a few years ago didn't they allow JW parents to count time doing a weekly bible study with their children at home? I think those changes have definitely sort of artifically boosted the numbers a bit. I wonder how many parents are totally inactive when it comes to door-to-door preaching but count 3 or 4 hours a month from doing a family bible study with their young kids?
Why the Watchtower Society is wicked...fantastic youtube clip
by yadda yadda 2 inbest clip i've ever seen on why it's no exaggeration to say the organisation is morally wicked..
yadda yadda 2
Best clip I've ever seen on why it's no exaggeration to say the organisation is morally wicked.
Poll--How Many Believe In God, Do Not Believe or Are Not Sure Of His Existence?
by minimus ini believe in god but i'm not sure of anything....what about you?.
yadda yadda 2
I don't believe in any god of any ancient scripture or 'revealed' religion.
I am open to the idea of superior intelligence/s out there somewhere in the universe, that may or may not know of our existence, and may or may not have contacted humans (past and/or present).
Is the Watchtower Intentionally Trying to Force People to Leave the Organization?
by kneehighmiah inthe leaks from the new november watchtower are alarming.
they will disturb even longtime jws who haven't surrendered all rational thought.
it's become so cult like its scary.
yadda yadda 2
I can't help but feel the fact they've packed all this into the January 2015 article is telling. Is it coincidence that it's coming in the first month after the 100th anniversary of Jesus' invisible reign since 1914? I think not.
There's a deliberate message in this timing, and I think it's something like: "Just because it's 100 years since 1914 and Jesus still hasn't returned, don't go thinking were going soft and reforming any time soon! So quit your whining, quit writing to us about how we have this and that all wrong! It's our way or the highway! Obey or scram!"
The beating of the slaves will continue until morale improves!
jw logo vs people who wear a cross. IDOL WORSHIP IS STILL IDOL WORSHIP
by goingthruthemotions inlast week out in service i saw an elder wearing a pin.
and thought.....hmmm isn't this idol worship?
what a double's ok to promote the borg with a pin...but not ok to promote jesus by wearing a. cross?.
yadda yadda 2
Excellent posts Oubliette.
They undoubtedly idolise the Watchtower Society and the organisation. These are certainly promoted and elevated far above Jesus, and Watchtower study articles are held out as tantamount to letters from Jehovah himself.
Did the early Christian writers, such as Paul, promote obedience to the congregation and older men in Jerusalem ahead of Jesus? How often is Jesus Christ referred to in the Pauline letters compared to any congregational/organisational structure? How often is Jesus Christ referred to in the Watchtower's writings and teachings compared to the organisation? Just about every Watchtower study article has a focus on loyalty and obedience to the organisation and furthering it's programme of works, rather than the main focus simply being on 'Christianity'.
JW's are clearly not following the first century scriptural pattern for where the emphasis should go. They've become just another self-promoting sect in a sectarian world, falling into the very trap that their founder C T Russell worked so hard to break free from.
There will never, never be Peace and Security here on Earth.
by jam inwho are we fooling, as long as we humans exist there.
will never be peace even under god's rule.. i think god realize he have created a mess and said screw this .
and have left us on our own.. each day there is another crisis, what's next.... there is no solution to bring harmony among mankind, hell.
yadda yadda 2
The JW's have the whole issue of universal sovereignty thing back to front. God always intended for the human race to be independent and learn right from wrong for itself, 'Satan' just advanced the whole thing before we were quite ready to go it alone. When the Israelites demanded to have their own king and rule themselves, Jehovah let them. He warned them they will suffer for it but he recognised their moral right to self-governance.
If 'Jehovah' is a heavenly father, then no parent wants to rule over their adult children's lives, they let go as the child matures until it's fully grown, independent and self-governing. Jehovah or Jesus are never going to intervene to rule over us all like we are helpless children anymore than your own parents will come into your own family home and demand to take over all control.
Mankind has nearly grown out of it's child-like intellectual and infantile ego-state, and is learning, slowly, life's bitter moral lessons and how to treat each other properly and peacefully. The human race is maturing, growing up. Presently we are in a sort of early juvenile state, still with some childish, ignorant, tantrum tendencies (superstitious 'fairy tale' believing, bratish, intolerant, controlling, greedy, violent, etc), but maturing now into more adult, rational behaviour.